Factual Analysis: Sukarno's Alleged 57-Ton Gold Treasure

Rumors surrounding Sukarno's possession of a massive 57-ton gold treasure stored in Swiss banks, purportedly borrowed by President John F. Kennedy for US development in 1963, have persisted. However, historical data refutes these claims, painting a starkly different picture of Sukarno's financial circumstances.

Historical records reveal Sukarno's modest financial situation during his presidency. In an interview with American journalist Cindy Adams, Sukarno disclosed his meager salary of US$220, equivalent to approximately Rp3.41 million today, based on current exchange rates. He admitted to lacking personal property, relying on state-owned residences for accommodation. Sukarno even recounted instances of receiving gifts, such as pajamas, from ambassadors during overseas visits due to his limited personal resources.

Contrary to the lavish lifestyle associated with substantial wealth, Sukarno's son, Guntur Sukarnoputra, affirmed his father's financial struggles. Guntur emphasized that Sukarno consistently faced financial difficulties, even prior to assuming the presidency. He recalled instances of his father borrowing money from friends, including Agoes Moesin Dasaad, during the independence movement era.

Moreover, historian Ong Hok Ham refuted claims of Sukarno inheriting vast riches from the Islamic Mataram kingdom. Ong clarified that inheriting wealth from ancient kingdoms, let alone gold bars, is implausible given the limited resources of such kingdoms. Additionally, the Mataram kingdom reportedly had outstanding debts to the Dutch East India Company (VOC) at the time.

Ong also argued that if Sukarno indeed possessed significant gold reserves, he would not have experienced financial hardship throughout his life.

In summary, the narrative of Sukarno's purported 57-ton gold treasure is debunked by historical evidence. Sukarno's financial struggles and lack of substantial personal wealth are well-documented, refuting the sensationalized claims of hidden treasures.


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